Completion of improvements to SSA Jacksonville | Seatrade Maritime

2022-06-24 20:40:33 By : Mr. Gary Zhang

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The final stage of the project, the rehabilitation of 123.4m of deep-water berthing space, was completed at the end of June in coordination with the recently completed Jacksonville Harbour Deepening Project.

The SSA JCT now features a 14.3m-channel depth with 752m of newly rebuilt berthing space capable of simultaneously accommodating two post-panamax container ships.

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The berth rehabilitation project began in 2016 with the installation of a high-voltage electrical system equipped to power up to 10 state-of-the-art environmentally friendly container cranes, including three already in use and an additional three currently on order by SSA Atlantic.

The berths were reconstructed in a series of four phases. Together, the berth improvements and eco-friendly cranes increase energy efficiencies, reduce emissions from diesel-powered cranes and enhance night-time operations through the addition of high-powered LED lighting. The berths also offer on-dock rail for cargo handling and feature heavy lift capabilities, including one of the nation’s highest weight-bearing capacity docks.

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The project was funded 75% by the Florida Department of Transportation with a 25% JAXPORT match.

"This project significantly enhances our deep-water berthing capabilities at Blount Island, maximizing the efficiencies created by the deepening project," said JAXPORT CEO Eric Green.

In addition to the reconstructed berths and new cranes, more than $72m in phased yard improvements are underway to enable the SSA JCT to accommodate 500,000 teu annually. The yard improvements are funded by SSA Atlantic and a $20m grant from the US Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (MARAD).

The federal project to deepen the Jacksonville shipping channel to a depth of 14.3m was completed through Blount Island in May 2022. The project included the construction of a new vessel turning basin that now allows larger vessels calling the SSA JCT to turn around at Blount Island.

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- Ricaurte Vásquez Morales, Panama Canal Administrator

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